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What 5G means for IoT? How far is 5G and what it would mean for IoT

It’s been quite some time that the hype around 5G and its relation to the internet of things (IoT) has been growing exponentially. So far, a number of service providers have said that 5G will be the next-generation mobile network that provides everything from superfast bandwidth speeds, to ultra-low latency, to ten-times the geographic coverage. But when and how it translates into real life is something we’ve all been eagerly waiting for.

However, one of the biggest things we have yet to decode is what all this means for enterprises that work in IoT, typically what’s lacking is the real substance and clarity. While the buzz is ever-increasing, this has the potential to fundamentally transform mobile-cellular networks. But despite the narrative that’s being spread that 5G is just around the corner, it’s still in early deployment stages.

In reality, deployment of 5G might not see the light of day anytime soon. One of the biggest concerns is that 5G lacks a solid definition, which means cellular providers could eventually label a slightly-faster-than-LTE connection as 5G. Once the global infrastructure is in place, only then can 5G actually bring about a change. To actually tap into the complete potential of what it can do for us, the policymakers and governments will have to work with private companies. Companies like Letstrack that have already worked with Govt. and shown what they can do will get a push. As the world’s only company with AI-enabled GPS Security Devices, Letstrack is also looking forward to the advent of 5G. It will not only give them more space to explore their already impressive line of features but enhance their vision of – ‘Everything that moves can be tracked’. The coming years are going to be interesting, as we see IoT become mainstream, and also to see what innovations companies like Letstrack come out with.


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